The Islamic Republic's Al-Quds Day: Blueprint for 21st Century Antisemitism

Lecture by Andreas Benl (MFFB) Only a few months after coming to power in Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini introduced Quds or Jerusalem Day in the summer of…
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Book presentation in Jena with Ulrike Becker (MFFB): Nazis on the Nile.

The study “Nazis on the Nile” is the first to examine West German relations with Egypt in the immediate post-war period up to 1965, particularly with…
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Jahne Nicolaisen chairs an event with Prof. Benny Morris

"The Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1882-2023"
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Jahne Nicolaisen moderates a panel on "Islamist Antisemitism"

At the Autumn Academy "Antisemitismuskritische Antisemitismusforschung" in Frankfurt
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Cologne: Nazis at the Nile. Lecture of Ulrike Becker (MFFB)

Ulrike Becker's book lecture focuses on Nazis on the Nile and the transformation of antisemitism after the Second World War
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Parliamentary breakfast “Human rights situation and security in the Middle East – Iran and Lebanon”

With Masih Alinejad, Faisal Saeed al Mutar and Ahmad Omeirate, under the auspices of Renata Alt
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Even when it is dark - Reports of October 7

Scenic reading with Israeli actors with reports from October 7, 2023 at ://about blank in Berlin. The event is part of the Action Weeks against…
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Event on the far-right AfD's image of Jews and Israel

Political science analyses ahead of the state elections in Brandenburg with Prof. Dr Gideon Botsch and Nikolai Schreiter in Berlin.
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Lecture and Debate: Israel and the Middle East Conflict

Event with Ulrike Becker (MFFB), Pfarrgemeinde Altenkirchen / Rügen
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Antisemitism in the Club-Scene: Panel with David Hirsh, Nicholas Potter, Tanja Ehmann

English-language panel with David Hirsh, Nicholas Potter, Tanja Ehmann & the Punks against antisemitism on the boycott movement in the academic and…
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“Antisemitism and postcolonial theory” - book presentation with Ingo Elbe

Postcolonial theories are currently shaping the global cultural and academic scene. What began as an attempt to take account of the specific…
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Conference in Cologne: Antisemitism after October 7th

Gesellschaft für kritische Bildung invites Michael Spaney, Ulrike Becker, Jörg Rensmann and Jahne Nicolaisen from the MFFB to the three-day conference…
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Berlin: Book launch "Gesichter des politischen Islam" with Andreas Benl (MFFB)

Book launch of the anthology "Politische Gesichter des Islams" in the Programmschänke Bajszel at 7 pm.
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Berlin: Book launch, lecture and discussion with Abdel-Hakim Ourghi

The Programmschänke Bajszel and the MFFB cordially invite you on 11 May 2024, 19:30.
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Book launch and discussion in Potsdam with moderation by MFFB Managing Director Michael Spaney

DIG Berlin & Brandenburg and the Historical Institute of the University of Potsdam invite you to the presentation of the anthology ‘The Middle East in…
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Conference in Berlin: Academic antisemitism

Chaverim@FU and MFFB invite you to a lecture and panel discussion on 2 May 2024 from 2-6 pm at the FU Berlin.
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Demonstration in Solidarity with Israel

Solidarity with Israel: Demonstration at the Brandenburg Gate
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"When criticism goes bad..." - Colloquium with Jahne Nicolaisen (MFFB)

Jahne Nicolaisen gives a lecture on left-wing anti-Semitism at German universities. The colloquium will take place in Giessen.
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Tacheles Talk Israel with Philip Krämer (MoP, Green Party) and Michael Spaney (MFFB)

DIG B&B event series "Tacheles Talk" in Berlin, near S-Bahn station Ostbahnhof. More information after registration.
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Book launch and Book Release Party: Ulrike Becker: Nazis on the Nile

Ulrike Becker presents her doctoral thesis at the Programmschänke Bajszel, 7:30 PM.
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Jahne Nicolaisen (MFFB) at event "The Effects of Israel-Hamas War on Academica in Europe and America"

Online event on 18 March 2024, panel discussion with Douglas Hauer and Maya Parizer, among others.
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Berlin: Book presentation "1948" (Benny Morris) with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB)

Book presentation of the monograph "1948. Der erste arabisch-israelische Krieg" by Benny Morris among others with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) and Andreas…
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Oberhausen: Lecture with Ulrike Becker (MFFB)

The lecture "The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, its historical roots and background" by Ulrike Becker marks the start of a series of events. 6 p.m.,…
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Press Conference of the Human Rights Organization "Unity to end executions in Iran" (UTEE)

The human rights campaign UTEE is organizing a press conference as part of the global campaign against the death penalty. With Ulrike Becker (MFFB)
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Conference "Israelis in Europe combating Antisemitism"

Ulrike Becker (MFFB) is taking part in a panel discussion on the current situation regarding antisemitism in Germany.
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Sellin (Rügen): "Israel and Palestine" - Talk with Ulrike Becker (MFFB)

Dr. Ulrike Becker, historian and head of research at the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin, and Dr. Milena Hasselmann, theologian, will shed light on…
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Lehrte: Lecture and discussion with Michael Spaney (MFFB)

Lecture and discussion: "Anti-Semitism, Israel and the Middle East conflict - anti-Semitism in everyday school life" at the Städtische Galerie in…
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Berlin: Panel discussion “Threat from Iran: The long arm of the mullahs”

Ulrike Becker (MFFB) is taking part in the panel discussion at the Community Day of the Central Council of Jews
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Israel after October 7th

Lecture and discussion with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB Board). Start 7 pm. Fürstnberghaus of the University of Münster.
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Wuppertal: Lecture by Ulrike Becker (MFFB): Frau Leben Freiheit.

The uprising against the mullah regime and the system of oppression in the Islamic Republic of Iran
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Berlin: Book Presentation with Prof. Jeffrey Herf: „Israel's Moment“

Prof. Herf will also give the German-language lecture in Frankfurt (16.10.), Cologne (17.10.) and Oldenburg (19.10.)
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Frankfurt/Main: The System of Gender-Apartheid and the Feminist Revolution in Iran

Lecture of Ulrike Becker (MFFB) at the University in Frankfurt
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Call for Solidarity Rally: We Stand With Israel!

Israel is currently being massively attacked by Hamas with rockets, terrorists are additionally attacking civilians in Israel. We call on all people…
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Berlin: Meyer Levin: Buchvorstellung

in unserer Reihe "Zionistische Geschichten" mit den Übersetzer*innen Alex Carstiuc und Janina Reichmann
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Berlin: Event Myths #Israel1948

Project presentation and panel discussion in the program tavern Bajszel
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Berlin: "Multidirectional Attacks on Memory and on Israel"

Lecture and discussion with Nikolai Schreiter (RIAS Bayern) and Julia Kopp (RIAS Berlin).
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Fürth near Nuremberg: "75 Years Israel"

Lecture with Michael Spaney (MFFB)
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Döbeln: 75 years of struggle for Israel

Lecture by Michael Spaney (MFFB). Israel faces enormous challenges and threats 75 years after its founding. The Iranian regime has enriched enough…
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Leipzig: From Tehran to Tel Aviv: How the Islamic Republic threatens Israel

...and how relations might look in the future. Lecture and discussion with Ulrike Becker (MFFB). An event organized by Jufo Leipzig.
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Darmstadt: From Tehran to Tel Aviv: How the Islamic Republic Threatens Israel

...and how relations might look in the future. Lecture and discussion with Ulrike Becker (MFFB). Details coming soon
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Hamburg: The Feminist Revolution Against the Mullah Regime: How German Iran Policy Must Change

Lecture and debate with Ulrike Becker (MFFB) and Stephan Grigat (CARS), Organized by Friedrich Naumann Foundation
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Rally in Berlin: Revolutionary Guards on the terror list!

With our rally in front of the Representation of the European Commission in Berlin, we declare our solidarity with the goal of the vast majority of…
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In Hamburg: Terror from Tehran: Nuclear Program, Human Rights Crimes and the Uprising against the Regime

Lecture of Ulrike Becker (MFFB), an event of the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung
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Berlin: Current assessments of the situation in Iran

The weekly magazine Jungle World hosts the first "Jungle Bar" this year with Andreas Benl and Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh (MFFB) at Bajszel, Berlin. Start:…
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The Abraham Accords - Peace Treaties as an Opportunity and a Challenge

On 15 September 2020, Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed peace treaties in a ceremony in Washington, later adding agreements to…
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Book launch: Léon Poliakov: From Moscow to Beirut.

Berlin: 7 p.m., at Bajszel: An Essay on Antisemitic Propaganda during the 1982 Lebanon War. Book launch with translators. Details coming soon.
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Panel discussion: "Jewish, Armenian and Kurdish histories of violence".

The history of the Jews, Kurds and Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and in Turkey is permeated by violence, from exclusions to persecutions to…
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Kiel: Terror from Tehran. Antisemitism, attacks against Israel, human rights crimes and the nuclear threat.

7.p.m., Christian Albrechts Universität in Kiel. Lecture of Ulrike Becker (MFFB)
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Hamburg: Women's Rights in Iran. An event with Ulrike Becker

The "Islamic Republic of Iran" is a regime of oppression, censorship and violence. The Islamic State claims to rule even in the most intimate areas of…
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Berlin: New opportunities and old dangers in the Middle East

Lecture and Discussion with Prof. Dan Schueftan (Israel) at the Humboldt University Berlin
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Konstanz: The Abraham Accords: A Paradigm Shift and the German Reaction

An event of the DIG Konstanz. Lecture and Debate with Jörg Rensmann
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Book presentation with Tilman Tarach: "Devilish Omnipotence. On the Denied Christian Roots of Modern Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism."

When antisemitism is critically discussed in this country, the focus is regularly on ethnic-identitarian or Islamic anti-Semitism. In doing so, one…
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From the Mbembe-Debate to documenta. Post-Colonialism and Anti-Zionismus

Lecture and Debate with Ingo Elbe and Vojin Sasa Vukadinovic
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"Conformist Rebels. On the Actuality of the Authoritarian Character".

Many people rebel and at the same time submit to irrational authorities. But where does this need come from? The search for answers leads to the…
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Oldenburg: Terror from Tehran: Antisemitism, Nuclear Program and Repression in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Lecture of Ulrike Becker (MFFB). International observers fear that Iran will soon have nuclear weapons. A nuclear-armed Iran would be a nightmare, not…
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Green Party Hamburg: Members' evening on the topic of state treaties

Part 2: The critics' perspective. With Ulrike Becker (MFFB), Stefan Hensel, Anti-Semitism Officer Hamburg, Dr. Necla Kelek, Chairwoman of the…
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Munich: Iran-Forum

IGFM and Lawyers Without Borders of LMU-Munich invite you to the Iran-Forum on June 28, 2022. With Ulrike Becker (MFFB)
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10 Years of the State Treaty between the Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the Islamic Associations - what next?

The state treaty between the Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the Islamic associations has existed for 10 years. This year, it is to be evaluated whether…
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Rally: No to all forms of Antisemitism!

The Young Forum of the German-Israeli Society Berlin and Brandenburg, the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin and the Jewish Students Union Germany jointly…
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Digital press conference: German citizen Jamshid Sharmahd is threatened with the death penalty in Iran.

Death judge presides over show trial. Press Conference with Gazelle Sharmahd, Mina Ahadi, Ulrike Becker (MFFB) and Martin Lessenthin (IGFM)
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Iran: What role do human rights play?

Event in Hamburg, Tchaikovsky Hall, Start: 5:00 p.m.Uhr
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Antisemitism in German Gangsta-Rap

With the Rapper and Activist Ben Salomo and the Political Scientist Jakob Baier
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Challenges for a Western Iran Policy. An Israeli Perspective.

Online-lecture and Q&A with Sima Shine (INSS; Israel)
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"Right of Return? History and Currentness of a Palestinian Claim“

Brochure launch: Event in cooperation with the German-Israeli Frienship Association (DIG)
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Jewish Life Is Not a Provocation! Rally against Anti-Semitism in Berlin-Neukölln, July 25, 2021

In Berlin, and in Neukölln in particular, the public appearance of Jews may arouse suspicion. If you reveal yourself as being Jewish, you may be…
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Online-Debate: The Islamic Center in Hamburg as a Partner of the City of Hamburg

As a member of the Shura, the "Islamic Center Hamburg" (IZH) is a partner of the City of Hamburg. In the coming year, the state contracts are to be…
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Ceasefire between Israel and Hamas: End of the rocket terror?

Online-Lecture with Dan Schueftan (Israel)
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Israel and Democracy in the Middle East

Online debate with Jörg Rensmann, organized of the CDU Westend
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Rally "Solidarity Coalition Israel"

Ein breites Bündnis zeigt seine Solidarität mit Israel. Wann: 20.5.2021,19 Uhr Wo: Pariser Platz, Berlin
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Myth Nakba

Online lecture of Jörg Rensmann
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Political Islam: displacement to the periphery?

Political Islam: displacement to the periphery? Debate with Ruud Koopmanns and Thomas von der Osten-Sacken, Moderation: Ulrike Becker (MFFB)
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Societies in Israel

Lecture and Debate with Prof. Natan Sznaider
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Israel and the New Middle East

Lecture and Debate with Seth Frantzman (Israel)
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Secular Islamism? The Masters of the Crisis from Tehran in the Mirror of Western Reactions

Lecture & Discussion with Andreas Benl (MFFB), Moderation: Remko Leemhuis
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"On the Actuality of Antisemitism"

Online lecture by Kai Schubert (MFFB) as part of a lecture series at the University of Zittau / Görlitz, University of Applied Sciences  
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Online Conference On the Fight to Abolish the Death Penalty in Iran

Organizer: International Committee Against Execution, with Ulrike Becker (MFFB) and others
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March 02, 2020: "Hisbollah - die hier unterschätzte Gefahr". Discussion with Lea Rosh, Dr. Eva Högl, Dr. Olaf Farshid and Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) in Berlin


February 24, 2020: "Die aktuelle Sicherheitslage Israels".Lecture with Dan Schueftan (National Security Studies Center at the University of Haifa/Israel) in Berlin


February 04, 2020: "Hisbollah – die unterschätzte Gefahr". Lecture with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) in Berlin


January 14, 2020: "Kritik des Antisemitismus - eine Einführung". Lecture with Kai Schubert (MFFB) in Münster


January 9, 2020 in ZDF (TV): Ulrike Becker (MFFB) debating in German major TV talkshow "Maybrit Illner" with former German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, Elmar Thevesen, Düzen Tekkal and Daniel Gerlach on "USA against Iran – a delayed war?"


"Die Juden der arabischen Welt"

January 9, 2020: Book Presentation with Dr. Stephan Grigat (University of Passau) in Berlin. Organized by the Jewish Community Berlin and MFFB


December 17, 2019: "Die Hisbollah in Deutschland und Europa." Lecture with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) in Dortmund


"Das neue Unbehagen. Antisemitismus in Deutschland heute"

December 12, 2019: Book Presentation with Dr. Olaf Glöckner (MMZ), Daniel Poensgen (RIAS) and Kai Schubert (MFFB) in Berlin


November 20, 2019: "Antisemitismus in der DDR. 'Zionisten', 'Kosmopoliten' und 'Kapitalisten' als Feindbilder im Realsozialismus". Lecture with Kai Schubert (MFFB) in Marburg


"Nazis und der Nahe Osten. Wie der islamische Antisemitismus entstand"

November 13, 2019: Book Presentation with Dr. Matthias Küntzel in Berlin


Hezbollah and Germany

November 4, 2019: Lecture and discussion with Ambassador Ron Prosor


Oktober 30, 2019: "Der Antisemitismus des iranischen Regimes". Lecture with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) in Köln


Oktober 29, 2019: "Antisemitismus in Europa". Lecture with Kai Schubert (MFFB) in Konstanz


Oktober 23, 2019:"Tacheles Talk Israel" of the DIG Berlin-Brandenburg with Frank Müller-Rosentritt (MdB) and Julian Reichelt (Chefredakteur BILD), moderated by Michael Spaney (MFFB)


September 24, 2019: "UNRWA im Nahen Osten - ein Friedenshindernis?" Lecture with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) in Konstanz


June 20, 2019: Reading at the Jüdische Volkshochschule in Cooperation with MFFB and Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft Berlin-Brandenburg with Arye Sharuz Shalicar: "Der neu-deutsche Antisemit"


"What are Jews in Germany afraid of?"

June 19, 2019:Lecture and discussion (in German) with Arye Sharuz Shalicar in Berlin


June 14, 2019: "Gegenwärtige Gefahren für Israels Sicherheit und Gegenstrategien". Lecture with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB), part of the seminar "Studieren nach Auschwitz – Die deutsche Studentenbewegung und Israel" in Frankfurt/Main


June 06, 2019: "Die Hisbollah in Deutschland und Europa". Lecture with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) in Münster


MFFB calls for protest against the antisemitic "Quds-March" in Berlin

Saturday, June 1, 2019, 15:00; Location: George-Grosz-Platz (Schlüterstr./Kurfürstendamm), Berlin-Charlottenburg


May 27, 2019: "Wirtschaftsbeziehungen Iran und Bundesrepublik". Lecture and Discussion with Ulrike Becker (MFFB) in Berlin  


May 23, 2019: "Die Hisbollah in Deutschland und Europa". Lecture with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) in Bremen


"Antisemitism and Israelhate in the City West"

May 23, 2019: Informative meeting about the „Al-Quds-Day“ 2019 in Berlin (in German)


May 20, 2019: "Antisemitismus in Schulbüchern". Lecture with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) in Lehrte.


May 20, 2019: "40 Jahre Frauentagsdemo in Teheran - Zur heutigen Situation von Frauen im Iran". Lecture with Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh (MFFB) in Berlin


May 10, 2019: Israel-Day in Berlin with MFFB and many more Organisations presenting their work


April 17, 2019: "Wirtschaftbeziehungen Iran und Bundesrepublik". Lecture and Discussion with Ulrike Becker (MFFB) in Erfurt


April 4, 2019: Lecture with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) in Nürnberg on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)


April 3, 2019:"Antisemitismus & Antizionismus in der deutschen Linken. Geschichte und Gegenwart progressiver Judenfeindschaft". Lecture with Kai Schubert (MFFB) in Berlin


March 16, 2019: "40 Jahre Frauentagsdemo in Teheran – Zur heutigen Situation von Frauen im Iran". Lecture with Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh (MFFB) in Erfurt


March 10, 2019: "Für Israel streiten". Workshop with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) in Leipzig


Book Presentation and Discussion with Prof. Dr. Samuel Salzborn (Technical University of Berlin) in Berlin

March 6, 2019: "Globaler Antisemitismus. Eine Spurensuche in den Abgründen der Moderne"


30.01.2019: Conference with Michael Spaney in Hannover: "Offensive gegen Antisemitismus"


Radical partners? - Conservative Islamic Associations and Foreign Influence. Debate with experts and politicians in the Bundestag

12. December 2018: The deputy chairwoman of CDU/CSU, Gitta Connemann, in cooperation with the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin hosted the event „Radical Partners? Conservative Islamic Associations and foreign influence“ in the German Bundestag.

29.11.2018: Lecture and discussion with Jörg Rensmann in Döbeln: Pedagogy of Resentment


28.11.2018: Lecture and discussion with Jörg Rensmann in Göttingen: 1948. Facts against myths


Israelcongress, MFFB in Frankfurt: The Iranian danger - how to proceed now that the USA have left the JCPOA?

25.11.2018: The MFFB organized a panel as part of the fifth German Israelcongress. Panelists were Dr. Stephan Grigat, Dr. Adel Feyzi and Martin Patzelt (CDU). The panel was moderated by Michael Spaney. The event was recorded and can be seen here.


"Never again!“ - Lecture commemorating 80 years Night of Broken Glass

8.11.2018: Lecture and discussion with Oliver Vrankovic. 


Lunch Lecture with Julia Bernstein: Jewish perspectives on antisemitism

27. September 2018: Informational event regarding jewish perspectives on antisemitism, held in the House of deputies' restaurant.


Jewish perspectives on antisemitism - Insights from new studies regarding antisemitism in everyday life and institutions

26. September 2018: Lecture and discussion with Prof. Dr. Julia Bernstein at Humboldt-Universität Berlin.

United Nations against Israel - How the UN delegitimize the Jewish State

June 21, 2018: Book Presentation: "United Nations against Israel - how the UN delegitimizes the Jewish State" with Florian Markl and Alex Feuerherdt.At the Humboldt University of Berlin.

The Iran Deal

May 27, 2018: Berlin: MFFB-Panel Discussion at the Festival "70 Jahre Israel" of the German-Israeli Friendship Association.With: Andreas Benl (MFFB), Shahar Arieli, Embassy of Israel in Berlin, Susanne Baumann, German Foreign Office; Arye Sharuz Shalicar, Israel; Michael Spaney (MFFB).


20.5.2018: Munich: "1-Day-Seminar: 1948. The Foundation of Israel" with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) an event within the ISRAELPEDIA 2018, a 3-Day-Seminar of the Young Forum (Junges Forum) of the Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft (DIG, German-Israeli Friendship Association).


May 14, 2018: Bruchsal "Israel after 70 Years" Lecture and Discussion in German with Michael Spaney (MFFB); Organized by: Grüne (Green Party) Bruchsal und SPD (Social Democratic Party) Bruchsal


11. April 2018: Berlin: MFFB Roundtable "Iran and the Theater of War in Yemen" with Dr. Christian Koch, Director, Gulf Research Center Foundation, Genf. Iran's involvement in the Yemen conflikt is a rarely looked at subject in the German discourse. Saudi-Arabia is mostly seen as the sole aggressor and the role of the Iranian Regime is either trivialized or fully omitted. Dr. Christian Koch, will give an overview of the Iranian support for the Houthi rebels and will discuss with a round of experts the consequences thereof. The MFFB Roundtable format is reserved for Middle East Experts.


9 March 2018: Kiel: Public discussion „70 years human rights – between international claims and reality“ with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) and others. In cooperation with Terre des femmes.


2 March 2018: "The United Nations against Israel - a critical view on the UNRWA". Lecture and discussion with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB). Where: TU Chemnitz, Weinholdbau W014, Reichenhainer Str. 70, 09126 Chemnitz. When: 19:00 h. 


26 February 2018: 70 Years Israel – Looking back and Perspectives. Discussion with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) and Ulrich W. Sahm. Start: 7.00 p.m., Jüdisches Gemeindehaus Fasanenstraße 79–80 |10623 Berlin Kleiner Saal.


31 January 2018: Berlin: English Lecture of Bassem Eid, Palestinian Human Rights Activist: "The Palestinian Authority and Hamas from an inner-Palestinian Perspective", Humboldt University. You will find the video and a report of the event when you scroll down on the linked webpage.


10 November 2017: Experts talk in the German Parliament: The School curricula of the Palestinian Authority for 2017-18. With Marcus Sheff and Arik Agassi (Impact-se) and David Labude (MFFB).


26 September 2017: "Iran – Israel – Germany. Antisemitism, Trade and Nuclear Program." Book launch and discussion. With Stephan Grigat, Ulrike Becker, Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh, Andreas Benl, Jörn Schulz. 


20 Juli 2017: "The depiction of Israel in German School Books". Lecture and debate with Jörg Rensmann. When: 7.30 p.m., University of Essen, Universitätsstraße 2, 45141 Essen. An event of the Young Forum of the DIG, Regionalgruppe Ruhr. 


20 June 2017: Berlin: „Life in Israel - Terror, Bias and the Chances for Peace“. Lecture and discussion with Aliza Lavie and other members of Yesh Atid.


8 June 2017, Nuremberg: Gaza and Westbank: Terror und Politik. Lecture and discussion with Jörg Rensmann. When: 7.30 p.m., Königstr. 64, Nuremberg. More information here: DIG Nürnberg


6 June 2017, Berlin: The Six Day War 1967. Reasons, Process, Repercussions.
With David Labude and Michael Spaney (MFFB/DIG). 


18 May 2017, Bremen: The Six Day War 1967. Reasons, Process, Repercussions.
With David Labude and Michael Spaney (MFFB/DIG).
An event of the DIG Bremen / Unterweser.


3 May 2017, Berlin: "Strategic Challenges for Israel in the Middle East and the Policy of the United States and Europe." Public lecture and debate with Michael Doran, Hudson Institute (USA).


20 March 2017, Munich: "Polit-Talk. Christan Böhme, Jörg Rensmann and Ulrich Sahm talk Tacheles". An event of the Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde München with Jörg Rensmann, MFFB. 

Actual Human Rights Situation and necessary humanitarian aid in Iran and the Region

Berlin, Bundestag, February 14, 2017. Information talk for members of Parliament and their staff. Briefing and debate on the situation of human rights in Iran, domestic aspects and Iran’s foreign policy, and the impact on relations with Germany. With Martin Patzelt (MoP), Ulrike Becker (MFFB), Mirjam Rosenstein (NAFFO), Struan Stevenson (Conservative Party, Schottland), Shabnam Madadzad (witness).  
10 January 2017, Munich: The depiction of Isral in German School Books.
Lecture and discussion with Jörg Rensmann and others.    1 December, Göttingen: 1948: Facts about the Founding of Israel. Lecture and discussion with Jörg Rensmann.   17 November 2016, Nuremberg: The depiction of Isral in German School Books.
Lecture and discussion with Jörg Rensmann. An event of the German-Israeli Friendship Association Nuremberg/Mittelfranken.   22 November 2016, Potsdam: The depiction of Isral in German School Books.
Lecture and discussion with Jörg Rensmann and others.   22 September 2016, Hannover: Workshop and public debate: Do German Schools teach hostilty towards Israel?
28 June 2016: Public Debate: The Quds-March and Hezbollah's structure in Berlin: What do politicians do against Islamist and antisemitic structures in Berlin.
An event in cooperation with the American Jewish Committee and members of all parties. 
7 June 2016, Berlin: Pedagogy of resentment. The depiction of Israel in German Schoolbooks. Public lecture and Workshop

2. June 2016 (Hamburg): United Nations against Israel. The UNRWA and the instrumentalisation of humanitarian aid. Lecture and debate with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB)

29 February - 3 March 2016: Turmoil and Changes in the Middle East - Europe’s Misconceptions and Misunderstandings. Lectures with Dr. Dan Schueftan (Israel)

16 February 2016 (Berlin):  Antiamericanism in Germany. Lecture and debate with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB)
5 February 2016 (Berlin):
Kurds in the Middle East – Syria, Iraq, Israel: Perspectives and Challenges. Lecture of Ceng Sagnic
3 February 2016 (Mannheim):
United Nations against Israel. The UNRWA and the instrumentalisation of humanitarian aid. Lecture and debate with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB)

18 December 2015 (Bonn): Democracy in Israel and the Near East Conflict. One day seminar with Matheus Hagedorny and Jörg Rensmann
School's out forever: The depiction of Israel in German Schoolbooks
26 November 2015: Lecture and debate in Munich with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) 
21-22 November (Berlin): MFFB-INSS- International Conference: "Window of Opportunity or Collaps of a Region - Western Middle East Policies and Israel after the Deal with Iran".   6 November 2015 (Berlin): Democracy in Israel and the Near East Conflict. One day seminar with Matheus Hagedorny and Jörg Rensmann in Berlin   29 October 2015 (Cologne): Antizionism as a weapon. The Antisemitism of the Iranian Regime and Reactions in the West
20 October 2015: Antisemitism, anti-Zionism and the romantic idea of world peace. Lecture and debate with Felix Bartels
24 September 2015 (Leipzig): Democracy in Israel and the Near East Conflict. One day seminar with Matheus Hagedorny and Jörg Rensmann

The murders in Berlin's "Mykonos" restaurant - How the German judiciary contained the Iranian state terrorism

September 17, 2015: Lecture and discussion with former Federal Public Prosecutor Bruno Jost
Exactly 23 years after three Kurdish politicians in exile and one of their companions were killed in the Berlin restaurant "Mykonos" former Federal Public Prosecutor Bruno Jost describes the extraordinary progress and outcome of the "Mykonos" trial.
The threat to the Jews in the French crisis
September 3, 2015: Lecture and discussion with Danny Leder
For over a decade practicing Jews have been exposed to attacks in certain quarters. More than half of the attacks in France which were classified as "racist" were attacks against Jews, though Jews make up less than one percent of the population. The media in France, politicians, the national security authorities and the judiciary react quickly to anti-Jewish acts. However, the commitment in parts of the French civil society to confront anti-Jewish acts has recently faltered, partly due to the painful realization that anti-Jewish violence is almost exclusively carried out by young Muslims, living their lives in the suburban banlieus, shaped by crime and radical Islam.
July 11, 2015 (Berlin): Demonstration against the anti-Semitic Al Quds-March in Berlin - For Solidarity with Israel and Freedom in Iran! 

July 2, 2015: The image of Israel in German educational books - challenges and perspectives. Lecture and discussion with Jörg Rensmann.    July 1, 2015: "The erosion of Iran sanctions - German economic assistance for the Iranian Nuclear Program". Lecture and discussion with Michael Spaney within the lecture series "Israel's enemies" at the University of Leipzig
June 26, 2014 (Berlin): Press Conference with Prof. Gerald Steinberg: "How Germany's funding for radical NGOs damage Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts and strengthen Hamas"   May 30, 2015 (Berlin): The Israeli democracy and the Mideast conflict. A workshop by Michael Spaney and Jörg Rensmann   May 3, 2015 (Munich): The Israeli democracy and the Mideast conflict. A workshop by Michael Spaney and Jörg Rensmann   April 28, 2015 (Leipzig): The United Nations against Israel, Lecture and discussion with Jörg Rensmann as part of the lecture series "The enemies of Israel"

The Israeli democracy and the Middle East conflict

A seminar project within the framework of the Federal Government program "Living democracy".
Today it is important to know facts about Israel to counter distorted perceptions of the Jewish state . In our seminar we will work a political analysis with facts and information to reflect the current media and political judgments to Israel and the Middle East conflict.

The US Congress, President Obama and the negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program

April 21st, 2015: Panel discussion at the German Parliament with Mark Hibbs (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) and Mark Dubowitz (Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
There is a consensus in American politics that every nuclear arming of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to be prevented. In this panel discussion, we want to map the two perspectives of the American debate, respond to the state of the P5 + 1 talks and discuss the resulting scenarios. The outcome of the debate is of considerable interest, not least for the German politics and economy.

Israel-election party in Berlin

March 17, 2015: event for all friends of Israel
On March 17, the Israelis will vote for the twentieth time who will represent them in their parliament, the Knesset. Together with Nirit Bialer from the Israeli culture initiative Habait, the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin celebrates Israel's democracy with friends of Israel in Berlin.

Which peace do we seek? Different perceptions of Israel's founding 1948

Bremen, March 4th, 2015: Debate with Jörg Rensmann (MFFB)
A heated and controversial debate about the Mideast-conflict in the city library in Bremen. Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) and Hermann Kuhn (DIG Bremen) went into discussion with so called Israel-critics. Read more (on the website of the Bremer' library)

Turkey under Erdogan – Between Agony and Megalomania

February 26, 2015: Lecture and Debate with Kamil Taylan (Hessischer Rundfunk)
The pro-EU trend towards liberalization in the first years of Erdogan's government, especially the disempowerment of the Kemalist military, but also the abolition of death penalty and a more liberal policy towards the Kurds appear to have been a temporary strategic maneuver of appeasement, compared with the aggressive domestic and foreign policy of the present. It can be expected that the transformation of Turkey is far from completed, considering the disguised intention of Erdogan to stay in power until 2023, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the now former secular Turkish Republic. Kamil Taylans lecture describes the substance of Erdogan's regime und what can be expected of it in the future. Read more

Djihadists with Atomic Weapons? – International Diplomacy, Islamist Terror and the Iranian Nuclear Program

January 29, 2015: Panel discussion with Prof. Joachim Krause and Dr. Matthias Küntzel
What is the result of Iran's involvement in the fight against the "Islamic State", considering the Islamic Republic is also to blame for the emergence of IS? What is the impact of the dramatic drop in oil prices for Iran's nuclear ambitions and its willingness to seriously negotiate? Do domestic in-fightings in Iran have any consequences for the negotiations? And what options does Israel have, which consideres a nuclear-armed Iran an existential threat to the Jewish state?Prof. Dr. Joachim Krause and Dr. Matthias Küntzel will analyze the negotiations so far and discuss the consequences of a possible agreement on the Western World and the region. The discussion will focus on the varying interests of the negotiating P5 + 1 countries.Read more

Filmscreening "The Dove Flyer"

December 2, 2014: Filmscreening and Debate with Jörg Rensmann (Mideastfreedom Forum Berlin) at the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation.
The film "The Dove Flyer" tells the story of the oldest Jewish community in the world in Iraq. Their existence ended with their expulsion in 1950/1951. Following the screening, co-Founder and Program Director of the MFFB Jörg Rensmann will discuss the forgotten expulsion of the Jews in Iraq.


Read more (On the website of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation) Additional information: Jüdische Allgemeine "Jüdische Nakba" (3.12.2014)

Filmscreening in Munich "THE GREEN PRINCE"

November 30, 2014: The Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin and Gabriella Meros Photography invite you.
Under the pseudonym "the green prince" Mosab Hassan Yousef was the main informant for Israel's domestic intelligence service Shin Bet. Mosab betrayed friends and family as an informant and advanced into the heart of the organization Hamas. With THE GREEN PRINCE director Nadav Shirman creates a complex "real-life"-thriller. He gives remarkable insight into the world of the Shin Bet and Hamas. In light of the recent events in the Middle East, THE GREEN PRINCE talks about terrorism and treason and of a friendship that transcends all boundaries. Read more

“»The gates of hell are open« – The war between Gaza and Israel, summer 2014”

Hannover November 27, 2014: Lecture by Michael Spaney (Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin)
The young forum of the Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft Hannover is hosting Israel-days at the Leibniz university Hannover in November 2014. Michael Spaney from the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin spoke about the war in Gaza 2014 and the one-sided reports about this war in german media. Besides an analysis of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, Michael Spaney talked about his hands-on experiences while in Israel during the war. Read more (on the website of the Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft Hannover)

“It's always Israels fault!? – Israel in german schoolbooks”

Hannover November 25, 2014: Lecture by Jörg Rensmann (Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin)
The young forum of the Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft Hannover is hosting Israel-days at the Leibniz university Hannover in November 2014. Jörg Rensmann from the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin spoke about the depiction of Israel in schoolbooks. The created pictures pave the way for schoolkids receiving a negative view about Israel's declaration of statehood and the arabic-israeli conflict.

ISIS, Assad and the Iranian Regime

November 13, 2014: Discussion with Hiwa Bahrami, Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) and Thomas v. der Osten-Sacken (Wadi e.V.)
The stunning takeover of large parts of Syria and Iraq by the so called Islamic State (IS) and the steady stream of jihadi fighters also from Europe and the US to the warzones, alarmed the Western public. What is Iran’s role in the recent escalation? Who - and for what reasons - sees Iran as a partner in the fight against the IS? What regional and global factors lead from the uprising in Syria to a cross border ethno-sectarian war? Can IS-terrorists be defeated and the unity of Iraq be preserved? Who are reliable partners in that fight? What is the situation in the different Kurdish areas in the region? Do different Kurdish organizations follow different interests? And finally what is Germany doing to confront Islamism, either in Tehran, Iraq or Syria.

Antisemitism and Islamism and the Young Generation

Sept. 26, 2014: Discussion with Ahmad Mansour and Dr. Günther Jikeli
In July 2014 after the killing of three Jewish teenagers in the Westbank and constant rocket attacks from Hamas on Israeli civilian centers, the Israel Defense Forces launched “ Operation Protective Edge”. Following this escalation we witnessed an explosion of anti-Semitic violence on the streets of Germany and Europe. As they were marching under the banners of Hamas, Hizballah, ISIS as well as Turkish and Iranian flags, a wider German public became aware that in some communities there is Jew-hatred equivalent to the anti-Semitism in the Neo-Nazi scene. What are the sources of this anti-Semitism?

Press Conference: Current Antisemitism in Germany and Europe

September 16, 2014: Press conference with Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Simon Wiesenthal Center, Los Angeles
Because of the dramatic eruptions of blatant hatred against Jews in Europe during the Israeli military operation "Protective Edge" the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin and the Simon Wiesenthal Center are holding a press conference. European societies and governments face the difficult task of combatting this new high occurence of anti-semitism, especially in relation to Israel. Read more

History and Present of the Israeli Cinema

July 9, 2014: Lecture with film samples of Dr. Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann (Potsdam/Berlin)
In recent years, many Israeli films have been honored with prizes at international festivals and ran successfully in the German cinemas. A wide range of topics allows an insight into life in Israel beyond the dominant media coverage of the Middle East conflict. There are internationally successful films about everyday life, religious conflicts, politics and films dealing with the presence of the past. Israeli cinema therefore is not only a window to the outside, but also as a seismograph of moods and conflicts inside the society. The lecture provides insights based on film examples in current filmmaking in Israel in the context of Israeli film history.

'Deceptive Strategies to get the bomb - How Iran is Evading International Sanctions'

3. April 2014: A Debate with Dr. Emanuele Ottolenghi (FDD, Washington)
Sanctions have progressively cut Iran off the international financial system and made it hard for Iran to procure sensitive technology abroad. Nevertheless, the Islamic Republic has been successfully eluding sanctions by developing complex network of corporate entities overseas, which over the years have grown more elaborate and creative.
Read more, Video

The disintegration of the Middle East - Failing Arab states, the Shia-Sunni clash and the implications for Israel

Feb. 17, 2014: A debate with Prof. Dan Schueftan, Haifa, Israel
The Arab Middle East is falling apart. Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Sudan and others no longer even have the semblance of nation states (they never really were, in any meaningful sense of the term). Even Egypt, the only major Arab state that always stood out as a solid exception to this rule, is in deep trouble - much better than it would have been under the Muslim Brotherhood, but still hardly sustainable economically and with its regional leadership suspended. Saudi Arabia cannot fill the void. With the bloodier-than-ever Sunni-Shiite rivalry spreading like a brushfire, Iran establishing itself as the major regional power against the background of an incompetent and weak American Administration, the Middle East is even more violent, unstable and unpredictable than it has always been.
Read more, Audio and Video Documentation

What are the chances for a final agreement in the nuclear conflict with Iran? 

Discussion with Michael Spaney (MFFB) and Dr. Andreas Schockenhoff, deputy chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag for foreign affairs and defense policy
February 12, 2014, 6 p.m., Ernst-Lemmer-Institut, Suarezstraße 15-17, 14057 Berlin

An event in cooperation with the Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft Berlin and Potsdam. Chair: Jochen Feilcke, Vorsitzender DIG Berlin und Potsdam.

Does the Geneva Joint Plan of Action open Pandora's box? Iran's Bomb in the Context of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Possibility of a Nuclear Race in the Middle East.

Jan. 26, 2014: A Debate with Dr. Emily Landau (Tel Aviv, Israel)
Does the Geneva accord have negative implications for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), with consequences for global security frameworks that are as of yet unforeseen? How might other countries in the Near and the Middle East, especially Turkey and Saudi Arabia, respond to Iran's nuclear weapons program? What conclusions might be drawn from North Korea's acquisition of nuclear weapons (despite international efforts to stop it) with regard to the latest developments in the nuclear conflict with Iran? And what kind of security measures might be at hand to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction in the region?
Read more, Video

Twenty Years Since Oslo and the Refugee Question: What Next?

12  December 2013: Lecture and discussion with Asaf Romirowsky (SPME)
20 years ago the so called Oslo I agreement between Israel and the Palestinians was signed in the garden of the White House in Washington. The former excitement is gone and ever since the second Intifada in 2000, the Oslo process failed miserably. U.S. President Obama is now trying, especially in view of the nuclear conflict with Iran, to resolve the Israel - Palestine conflict. Asaf Romirowsky is discussing the Middle East Initiative of the American Secretary of State John Kerry, the question of a possible agreement in 2014 between Israel and the Palestinians, the question of the Palestinian refugees and other questions.
Read more, watch video 

Everything new with Rouhani?

Nov. 28, 2013: Discussion with Dr. Stephan Grigat (STOP THE BOMB) and Clemens Wergin (Die Welt)
What are we to expect from Iran's new president? Do we face a new strategy by the Iranian regime or does Hassan Rouhani merely stand for a new tactic? Is he a "sign of hope" or just "the friendly face of terror"? What does his election actually mean for the Iranian opposition, the nuclear negotiations and the power struggle within the regime? How can Israel and how should the West react to the new situation?
Read more, Video

Game changer in the Arab world? - Mursis downfall and the impacts for the Muslim Brotherhood

Sept. 11, 2013: A debate with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bock (Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik) and Dr. Matthias Küntzel (Political Scientist)
What is the impact of the power struggle between the military and the Muslim Brotherhood on Egyptian society? What are the implications for the Muslim Brotherhood's numerous offshoots like the Palestinian Hamas or the Tunisian Ennahda? Can the Muslim Brotherhood become moderate in a democratic process? What is the Brotherhood's basic ideology? We invite you to discuss these issues with our distinguished speakers.
Read more, Video

Iran after the „elections“ and the situation of the Non-Persian population 

June 25, 2013: Lecture and discussion with Hiwa Bahrami, Representative of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) in Germany and Austria. 
Hiwa Bahrami explains the relations of the Iranian regime to the various national minorities, and also analyzes the situation after the election. What changes can be expected under a President Hassan Rohani? What role do the so-called moderates play in Iranian foreign and domestic policy?

The UNRWA and the Instrumentalization of Humanitarian Aid

Panel discussion with Jörg Rensmann and Michael Spaney (MFFB)
Thursday, May 23, 2013: The UNRWA tends to the needs of the estimated 4.8 million Palestinian refugees. According to a study by former employee James Lindsay, however, millions go in aid to people who do not need these services. So who does the UNRWA consider to be in need of assistance and who is defined as a refugee? And how can the UNRWA prevent terrorists benefitting from its services? Michael Spaney and Jörg Rensmann explore at which point the authority becomes a political actor - and thus a part of the problem. 

Where is Transatlantic Iran Policy Heading?

Lecture and debate with Jonathan Paris at the Allianz-Forum
Thursday, April 25, 2013: Lecture and debate with Jonathan Paris (Resident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council of the United States). For an entire decade the United States and democratic nations have been visibly preoccupied with Iran’s nuclear threat. The roots of the conflict date back to the mid-1990s, and go to the very core of Iran’s regime. Even without nuclear weapons, the Iranian dictatorship has been the most dangerous sponsor of terrorism, Islamist radicalism and severe human rights violations towards its own people. Where does transatlantic Iran policy stand at this moment? And more importantly where is it heading? What are the timelines and red lines that American, Israeli and European perspectives look at in this crisis? What options exist to find a solution to this conflict?

European Policies Towards Iran - A German Perspective

Event of the Henry Jackson Society, London: Lecture and debate with Saba Farzan and Michael Spaney (MFFB) at the House of Commons
Thursday, March 14, 2013 in London: Lecture and debate with Saba Farzan and Michael Spaney from the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin in the House of Commons, London. With Iran having shown few signs of stopping on its path towards a more expansive nuclear enrichment programme, the West has been forced to respond with an increasingly vigorous sanctions regime. The European Union has shown remarkable co-ordination in its policy towards Iran, with France, Britain and Germany leading the effort to stop Iran from attaining nuclear weapons. The Federal Republic of Germany is however still the largest Western trading partner of Iran's dictatorship, delivering, among other things, technology that can also be used for military purposes. The German Chambers of Industry and Commerce have stated that any sanctions on Iran have noticeable impact on Germany’s economic growth. At the same time, German - Iranian cooperation does not stop at trade, but also continues in fields like education and political exchanges.

"Smarter Bombs? - Women and Children as Suicide Bombers"

Lecture and Discussion with Dr. Anat Berko
Thursday, March 7, 2013, Berlin, 7.00 p.m.: Lecture and discussion with Dr. Anat Berko (International Institute for Counter-Terrorism, Herzliya). The suicide bomber, like no other figure of modern terrorism, is consistently in the center of public attention. But while the story of the virgins waiting in paradise long since solidified into a popular stereotype, the motivations of the female bombers usually are, at best, the subject of wild speculation. And yet it is just the environment of the female suicide bombers that conveys the deepest insights into the workings of Islamic-fundamentalist networks and societies.  Read more

Iran at the crossroads – will Obama prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb?

Panel Discussion with James Kirchick (FDD) and Saba Farzan (MFFB)
Monday, Feb. 25, 2013, Berlin, 7.00 p.m.: Panel discussion with James Kirchick, Journalist and Senior Fellow with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and Saba Farzan, Journalist and Head of Iran Research, MFFB.James Kirchick and Saba Farzan will discuss Obama's Middle East policy, the American strategy towards the Iranian nuclear program, and US-Israeli relations. 

„The Simon Wiesenthal Center and the top ten list of anti-Semitic/anti-Israel slurs 2012“

Press conference with Rabbi Abraham Cooper (Simon Wiesenthal Center Los Angeles) and Dr. Matthias Küntzel
January 31, 2013: Some 60 journalists attended a press conference in Berlin which focused on the "Top ten list of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel slurs 2012” of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and on the case of the German journalist Jakob Augstein. Rabbi Cooper discussed the number #9 on the Center’s list- Journalist Jacob Augstein: "Augstein has confirmed himself as an anti-Semite. He had the opportunity to apologize for attacks on Israel and religious Jews. Instead he chose to reaffirm his anti-Semitic views in a debate with a German Jewish leader published in Der Spiegel.” Hamburg-based political scientist Dr. Matthias Küntzel, a world-renowned expert on anti-Semitism analyzed the debate on Augstein and anti-Semitism in Germany. More Information 

The Iran crisis

A debate with Michael Rubin (American Enterprise Institute, Washington) and Dr. Wahied Wahdat-Hagh (European Foundation for Democracy, Berlin)
May 24, 2012: The day after the crucial next round of nuclear talks in Baghdad on May 23 will be the right time to look at the results of the international Iran policy and to discuss some hard questions. Can the current strategy of diplomacy and sanctions achieve a peaceful solution for the nuclear conflict and other issues, or is an escalating confrontation with Tehran inevitable? What are the effects of sanctions on the Iranian regime, the economy and the population? This event is part of the lecture series Berlin Middle East Talks (Bemet). More information

Iran, Syria, Hezbollah - Endgame for the "Axis of Resistance"?

A Debate with Markus Bickel (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) and Jörn Schulz (Jungle World)
February 15, 2012:The upheavals in the Arab World have been welcomed by the rulers in Tehran as an "Islamic awakening". Syria, Iran's most important Arab ally, is caught in a deadly struggle with the opposition movement since nearly one year now. The downfall of Assad would also have great consequences for Lebanon, where Hezbollah dominates the country with the support of Syria and Iran. Part of the explosive situation is the Sunni-Shia conflict that pervades the region. How will the strategic landscape change in the Middle East? What will be the consequences for the Arab and Iranian democratic forces and the security of Israel? We invite you to discuss these and other questions with two renowned experts.This event is part of the lecture series Berlin Middle East Talks (Bemet). More information, transcription, MP3 audio and video

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

A profound update with Dr. Col. (Res.) Moshe Elad (Israel)
We are happy to invite you to a discussion about the latest developments and perspectives of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. What is the reality on the ground in the Westbank regarding settlements, security and Palestinian state building? Which way will Hamas turn after it’s departure from Syria? How did the upheavals in the Arab world so for affect the conflict and the prospects for a solution? What will happen on the international diplomatic level in 2012? Don’t miss the opportunity to discuss these and other questions with our high level Israeli guest.Read more

"Egypt after the elections"

A Debate with Amr Bargisi (Egyptian Union of Liberal Youth)
December 13, 2011: A few days after the first round of elections following the fall of Hosni Mubarak, there are many crucial questions regarding Egypt’s future. What are the chances for freedom, democracy and human rights in Egypt? Which roles will the Muslim Brotherhood, the salafists and the military play? How can the West support a positive political and economic development? And how will Egypt’s foreign policy towards Israel, Iran and other countries change? We invite you to discuss these and other issues with Amr Bargisi, a vocal critic of Islamism and anti-Semitism.More information and video

"Radical Islam’s Cognitive Warfare"

Prof. Richard Landes (Boston University) talks with Thierry Chervel (Perlentaucher) about the Dysfunctions of Western News Media from Muhammad al Durah to the “Arab Spring”.
December 1, 2011: In the late 20th century, apocalyptic Jihadi currents in Islam declared war on the West. Although one might think victory in such a campaign was as unlikely as that on a military battlefield, in the course of the last decade (2000-2010), Jihadi cognitive warfare has made immense, almost unimaginable strides largely by exploiting a Western aversion to war and conflict. This talk will explore how a Western “free press” has repeatedly and unwittingly served to advance Jihadi strategic goals, and what must change in order to defeat Radical Islam. This event is part of the lecture series Berlin Middle East Talks (Bemet). More Information and video

"Escalation in the Middle East? Israel in a region in upheaval."

Dr. Dan Schueftan (Israel) talks with Prof. Lars Rensmann (University of Michigan)
November 18, 2011:The „Arab Spring“, welcomed with a lot of hope early this year, has made way for a far darker picture. Instead of freedom and democracy, Islamist forces are likely to prevail. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is heading toward a new escalation. The PA unwaveringly strives for international recognition as a state, while in Gaza the Islamic Jihad competes with Hamas. Finally, the Islamic Republic of Iran is pushing forward its nuclear program, and there are signs for a military strike against Iran. We cordially invite you to discuss these developments with one of the internationally most renowned Israeli security experts! This event is part of the lecture series Berlin Middle East Talks (Bemet). Video and more Information

Jerusalem's future - East Jerusalem Poll Findings

An press conference with Dr. David Pollock, Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Organized in cooperation with The Israel Project and with friendly support by  Honestly Concerned.Dr. David Pollock is the former chief of Near East/South Asia/Africa research at the U.S. Information Agency. He is the principal advisor to Pechter Middle East Polls and a senior fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, focusing on the political dynamics of Middle Eastern countries. Dr. Pollock previously served as senior advisor for the Broader Middle East at the State Department, a post he assumed in 2002. More Informationen and Powerpoint-Presentation

Iran, the upheaval in the Middle East, Israel's security and European policy

Panel discussion with Yossi Melman (Haaretz), Herb Keinon (Jerusalem Post), Emanuele Ottolenghi (Foundation for Defense of Democracies).
October 23, 2011. The panel discussion was part of the second Israel Congress in Frankfurt / Main. Chair: Michael Spaney, MFFB.  Video

Germany and Israel - a difficult relationship 

Panel discussion with Alex Feuerherdt (publicist), Tilmann Tarach (author of "Der ewige Sündenbock") and Nirit Bialer (Habait  ... presenting Israeli culture in Berlin).
October 22, 2011: What does the "special relationship" and responsibily towards Israel mean in every day politics? What can be said about solidarity with Israel in Germany? Chair: Sebastian Mohr, Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin. The event was part of the 2. German Israel Congress in Frankfurt.

Where is Turkey heading?

A debate with Burat Bekdil (Hürriyet Daily News, Ankara) 
October 19, 2011: Regarding Turkey, most things are more complicated then they seem. As the AKP succeeded in curbing the influence of the military and modernizing the country, its own rule turned increasingly authoritarian and intolerant. Press freedom has been restricted and dozens of journalists have been imprisoned. Many secular Turks warn of a continuous “Islamization” of state and society. The success of Turkish movies like “Valley of the Wolves” shows that aggressive nationalism, anti-Western and anti-Semitic resentments and conspiracy theories are popular in Turkey, but also among Turkish immigrants. and we are thus happy to invite you to a debate with a Turkish expert who closely follows the developments in his country. This event is part of the lecture series Berlin Middle East Talks (Bemet). Video and more information

"Hot Spot Syria"

A debate with Jonathan Spyer (GLORIA-Center, Israel) and Jonthan Weckerle (MFFB)
June 23, 2011: Will the regime of Bashar Assad with brute force succeed to stay in power against the escalating uprising since March 2011? What are the chances of the Syrian opposition, and who are they? What role does the Syrian regime play in the region, and which consequences would its downfall or persistence have for the Iranian dominated “resistance bloc” with Hamas and Hezbollah? And which strategies can the West pursue in order to support a democratic development in Syria and the region as well as security for Israel? With Jonathan Spyer, we will have an excellent and internationally renowned expert answering these and other current questions. This event is part of the series Berlin Middle East Talks (Bemet).Video and more information

"Gaza, the coming flottilla and international law"

Panel discussion with Prof. Heintschel von Heinegg, Dr. jur. Tilman Tarach, Jonathan Weckerle (MFFB)

May 26, 2011: One year after the first Gaza-Flotilla, this panel will look back at the events surrounding the boarding of the Mavi Marvara. The questions raised back then are still highly relevant, because a second and far bigger flotilla is already announced and will try to reach Gaza in a few weeks. The panel will discuss questions of International Law of the Seas, the organizers and supporters of the Gaza Flotilla as well as the political, humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip. Chair: Sebastian Mohr, MFFB.

Video and more information


"The Israeli-Palestinian conflict" with Yaacov Lozowick and Ralf Fücks

A debate with Yaacov Lozowick (Israeli historian) and Ralf Fücks (Director of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation).

May 12, 2011, Berlin. The international community is increasingly pressing for a fast and final solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, which possible solutions are available in this situation, and what are the biggest obstacles? Has the PA abandoned the longtime “land for peace” solution through negotiations by following unilateral actions? Which role can and should the EU play? What does Germany’s “special responsibility” for Israel mean in practice? Two senior experts at the Berlin Middle East Talks (BEMET) will discuss these and other questions. We cordially invite you to join us for an intense debate! This event is part of the series Berlin Middle East Talks (Bemet).

Video and more information



"Upheaval in the Middle East"

A Debate with Prof. Bassam Tibi

April 20, 2011: Where is Egypt heading after Mubarak? How has the balance of power shifted in the region, and what can the West do to support democratic forces and developments? With Bassam Tibi, we will have on of the internationally most renowned experts on the Near and Middle East speaking about these and other questions.
More information


“Strategic Overview of the Security Situation in the Middle East and the latest Developments”

April 11, 2011: Discussion with Emmanuel Nahshon, First Envoy of the Israeli Embassy in Berlin;; Colonel Michael Levinrad, Defense Attaché of the Israeli Embassy in Berlin. Read more


Regional meetings of pro-Israel groups

The MFFB was one of the organizers of the regional network meetings for pro-Israel groups and activists in Hamburg, Berlin and Stuttgart in January and February 2011.
read more


Moderation: Development in Gaza and West Bank

Jörg Rensmann (MFFB) moderated the event "Weapons or prosperity: About the political and enonomic development in Gaza and the West Bank" with Alex Feuerherdt, which took place on Nov. 25, 2010 in Berlin. Read more 


German Israel Congress 2010

Network meeting, strategy discussion and moderation at the 1st German Israel congress in Frankfurt on Oct. 31, 2010. The MFFB organized a network meeting and a strategy discussion for German pro-Israel groups on the evening before the congress. The panelIsrael, Iran, Hamas and Hizbollah & The Middle East in international contextat the congress was moderated by Jörg Rensmann (MFFB).


"Islam, Islamism and the West"

A Debate with Daniel Pipes and Jörg Lau

On October 27, 2010, Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum (USA), and Jörg Lau, foreign affairs corrospondent of Die ZEIT, discussed among other topics the relation between Islam and Islamism, Western foreign policy towards Iran and other states as well as issues with Muslims living in Western states. Video and more information


The Islamic Republic of Iran: A global threat - and the solution

Lecture and discussion with Dr. Fariborz Saremi

On July 18, 1994 85 people were murdered in an attack on the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires. The Quds brigades of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were responsible for the attack. Today, the Revolutionary Guards have taken hold of most of the power in the Islamic Republic. Ahmad Vahedi, an Interpol wanted terrorist suspect, has even become defense minister. The anniversary of the terror attack is a sad occasion, but also an opportunity to adress the network of terror of the Islamic Republic, which has been extended, especially in Latin America. In Germany, the Iranian backed Hezbollah can operate undisturbed and poses a threat for the Iranian exile opposition, among many others. It has to be remembered that terror and expansion of the Islamic revolution is a danger that reaches far beyond the region and with nuclear weapons in the hand of the regime, this threat has the potential to magnify in severity. read more


Seven years after Saddam Hussein: Women's rights, Freedom, Politics and Religion in Iraq

Lecture and discussion with Thomas von der Osten-Sacken, Berlin March 2010

A few days after the parliamentary elections on March 7, 2010 and seven years after the military fall of the Saddam regime, Thomas von der Osten-Sacken, director of the relief organisation WADI, which operates in Northern Iraq, will give an informative talk about the situation in Iraq. The media in Germany reports mostly about catastrophies.The elections on the March 7 will reveal the true status of freedom and democracy in Iraq. Is there any democratic development outside of family- and clan loyalty, and what are the ethnic and religious divisions? Which secular forces are present in Iraq, and how big is the influence of the Iranian regime? How is the history of the Ba'ath dictatorship being processed? And what are the realistic expectations for the continuation of a functioning democracy once most of the US troops will have left after 2011? read more, watch video


Panel discussion: „Antisemitism and Persecution of the Bahá'í in the Islamic Republic of Iran“ 

Lecture and discussion with Prof. Dr. Ingo Hofmann, Javad Asadian, Jörg Rensmann, 29. October 2009 in Berlin

The Bahá'í community in particular has been massively persecuted and threatened by discrimination, show trials, cemetery desecrations, and assaults. Similarly with Iran’s ancient Jewish community. Though some assure us that the community is safe, on closer examination its situation within a regime that makes frequent threats to “wipe Israel off the map” is in fact a great deal more precarious than depicted. The major significance and danger of the regime’s intolerant ideology came vividly to light in the current crisis, not only in the ways the Iranian media and militia whipped up a pogrom-like atmosphere, but also in the ways the Iranian liberation movement is denounced as “Zionist” or “controlled by the Bahá'í.” read more, audio (German)


Public discussion: How dangerous is the Iranian nuclear program?

Panel discussion with Dr. Matthias Küntzel, Dr. Frederek Musall, Prof. Dr. Ralf Elger and Jonathan Weckerle

„The timebomb ist ticking. Will the international community still be able to prevent Iran's reach for the bomb? Berlin is especially in the front line of this conflict: Germany has together with the five veto powers of the Security Council been entrusted to lead the negotiations with Iran and has a special responsibility to confront a regime that denies the Holocaust. At the same time Germany is still the by far most important trade partner and the prefered partner for dialogue of the Mullahs in the West." read more