
Iran – Israel – Germany: A Complicated triangle

January 23 - 24, 2017 Venue: DGB-Haus Berlin, Wilhelm-Leuschner Saal, Keithstraße 1, 10787 Berlin Language: The key note speech and the panel "Iran from an Israeli perspective" will be in English, all other panels in German, the final panel is English/German.  


Monday, January 23, 2017 4.30 p.m.

Greetings & Introduction

Prof. Dr. Julius H. Schoeps
: Greetings  Ulrike Becker, Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin: Greetings Visiting Prof. Dr. Stephan Grigat: Introduction: The Legacy of the Past: Iran – Israel – Germany Speech Stephan Grigat (Audio)
5.30 p.m.

The Postcolonial Perspective

Andreas Benl
(Berlin): Iran, Islamism and Israel in Universalistic and Relativistic perspectives Dr. Sama Maani (Vienna/Graz): The Claim of „Islamophobia“ in Cultural Relativist Grounded Debates about Iran

Key Note

Roya Hakakian (New York):  Jews in Iran before and after the Islamic revolutionPresentation of Roya Hakakian (Audio)
Tuesday, January 24, 201710:00 a.m.

Iranian Antisemitism and German National Socialism: Theoretical Perspectives

Dr. Ulrike Marz
(Rostock): Antisemitism and Contemporary Anti-Modernism in Iran as Central Elements of the Ideology of the „Islamic Republic“ Dr. Gerhard Scheit (Vienna): Volkish and Islamic Behemot: The „Islamic Republic of Iran“ after the Historical Experience of National Socialism and the Categorical Imperative in Light of the Threats to Israel
11:45 a.m.

„Among Old friends“: German-Iranian Relations in History and Today

Dr. Matthias Küntzel
(Hamburg): The History of German-Iranian Relations and Germany’s Role in Shaping the Nuclear Deal Ulrike Becker, M.A. (Jena): Current Developments in Economic and Political Relations between Germany and Iran
2:30 p.m.

Iran from an Israeli perspective

Dr. Raz Zimmt
(Tel Aviv): The little Satan is still around. Israel in the Iranian Discourse and the discussion on the Iranian Regime in Israel Presentation of Dr. Raz Zimmt (Audio)Dr. Emily Landau (Tel Aviv): The Iranian Nuclear Program: Perceptions and Reactions in Israel Presentation of Emily Landau (Audio)
3:00 p.m.

The Impact of the Nuclear Deal: Domestic and Foreign Policy Related Developments

Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh
(Berlin): Factional divide inside the Iranian Regime and the Iranian Freedom Movement Prof. Dr. Joachim Krause (Kiel): The Impact of the Vienna Agreement for the Shaping of International Policy
6:00 p.m.

Israel, Germany and the New Middle East

Prof. Dr. Shlomo Shpiro
(Bar Ilan): Israel in the New Middle East Presentation of Prof. Shpiro (Audio)Thomas von der Osten-Sacken, M.A. (Suleymania/Frankfurt am Main): Freedom and the Path to Democracy in the Middle East: The links of Iranian Policy, Germany’s Near East Policy and the Refugee Crisis Presentation Thomas von der Osten-Sacken (Audio, in German)Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Herf (Washington): Trump’s Bundle of Contradictions: What May They Mean for American Policy towards Israel, Iran, Germany and the Western AlliancePresentation of Prof. Herf (Audio)
A conference of the Moses Mendelssohn Center for European Jewish studies (MMZ) in cooperation with the Moses Mendelssohn Foundation and the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin.   Speakers:Andreas Benl, Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin, author of „Western Societies, Cultural Relativism, Anti-Zionism, and the Politics of History“ (in: Journal for the Study of Antisemitism, #2, Vol.7), co-author of „Der Iran. Analyse einer islamischen Diktatur und ihrer europäischen Förderer“ (English: Iran. Analysis of an Islamic Dictatorship and its European Sponsors“). Ulrike Becker, Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin, doctoral student at the Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, co-author of „Iran im Weltsystem. Bündnisse des Regimes und Perspektiven der Freiheitsbewegung“. (English: Iran in the world system. Alliances and perspectives of the Iranian Freedom movement.) Stephan Grigat, Guest Professor at the Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies / Center for Jewish Studies in Berlin-Brandenburg, lecturer at the University of Vienna/Austria. Author of „Die Einsamkeit Israels. Zionismus, die israelische Linke und die iranische Bedrohung“, (English: The isolation of Israel. Zionism, the Israeli Left and the Iranian Threat.) Co-editor of „Der Iran. Analyse einer islamischen Diktatur und ihrer europäischen Förderer“ (English: Iran. Analysis of an Islamic Dictatorship and its European Sponsors“) und „Iran im Weltsystem. Bündnisse des Regimes und Perspektiven der Freiheitsbewegung“ (English: Iran in the world system. Alliances and perspectives of the Iranian Freedom movement.)Roya Hakakian, author, journalist, film editor, co-founder of the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center. Author of „Journey from the Land of No: A Girldhood Caught in Revolutionary Iran“ and „Assassins of the Turquoise Palace“ (on the German court process against the Iranian murderers of Iranian politicians in exile in Germany.) Joachim Krause, Professor for International Politics and Director of the Institut for Securicy Policy at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, co-editor of the „Jahrbuch Terrorismus“ („Yearbook on Terrorism“), numerous publications on international security policyMatthias Küntzel, author of „Germany and Iran. From the Aryan Axis to the Nuclear Threshold“; and „Jihad and Jew-Hatred. Islamism, Nazism and the roots of 9/11“; „Deutschland, Iran und die Bombe. Eine Entgegnung“ (English: Germany, Iran and the Bomb – a rejoinder“; and „Islamischer Antisemitismus und deutsche Politik: Heimliches Einverständnis?“ (English: Islamic Antisemitism and German Policy: A secret approval?“). Emily Landau, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), Tel Aviv, Israel, author of „Decade of Diplomacy: Negotiations with Iran and North Korea and the Future of Nuclear Nonproliferation“, co-editor of „The Obama Vision and Nuclear Disarmament. The Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime at a Crossroads” and „Arms Control and National Security: New Horizons“Sama Maani, Psychoanalyst and author of „Respektverweigerung. Warum wir fremde Kulturen nicht respektieren sollten. Und die eigene auch nicht“, numerous publications, among them the novel „Ungläubig“ (English: „infidel“).Ulrike Marz, scientific assistant at the Institute for Sociology at the University of Rostock, author of „Kritik des islamischen Antisemitismus. Zur gesellschaftlichen Genese und Semantik des Antisemitismus in der Islamischen Republik Iran” (English: Critique of Islamic Antisemitism. On the genesis and semantics of Antisemitism in the Islamic Republic of Iran“)Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh, Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin, co-author of „Verratene Freiheit. Der Aufstand im Iran und die Antwort des Westens“ (English: „Betrayed freedom. The freedom movement in Iran and the response in the West“) and: „Der Iran. Analyse einer islamischen Diktatur und ihrer europäischen Förderer“ (English: Iran. Analysis of an Islamic Dictatorship and it’s European Sponsors“). Co-editor of the film „Kopftuch als System – Machen Haare verrückt?“ (English: The headscarf as a system: Does hair make you mad?“)Thomas von der Osten-Sacken, executive director of Wadi e.V. – Verband für Krisenhilfe und solidarische Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, co-editor of „Verratene Freiheit. Der Aufstand im Iran und die Antwort des Westens“ (English: „Betrayed freedom. The freedom movement in Iran and the response in the West“) and „Saddam Husseins letztes Gefecht? Der lange Weg in den Dritten Golfkrieg“, co-author of „Der Iran. Analyse einer islamischen Diktatur und ihrer europäischen Förderer“ (English: Iran. Analysis of an Islamic Dictatorship and it’s European Sponsors“).Gerhard Scheit, co-editor of the works of Jean Améry and of the journal „sans phrase. Zeitschrift für Ideologiekritik“, author of „Verborgener Staat, lebendiges Geld. Zur Dramaturgie des Antisemitismus“, „Kritik des politischen Engagements“, „Der Wahn vom Weltsouverän. Zur Kritik des Völkerrechts“ and „Suicide Attack. Zur Kritik der politischen Gewalt“Shlomo Shpiro, Professor for Political Science at the Bar Ilan University, Senior Research Fellow at the Begin-Sadat-Center for Strategic Studies, co-author of „Deutschland, die Juden und der Staat Israel: eine Bestandsaufnahme“, (English: Germany, the Jews and Israel – an analysis“); co-editor of the „Handbook of Global Security Studies”. Raz Zimmt, Research Fellow at the Alliance Center for Iranian Studies University Tel Aviv, coauthor of „Identities in Crisis in Iran: Politics, Culture, and Religion“, editor of „Spotlight on Iran“ at the Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in Ramat HaSharon