Everything new with Rouhani?
The Iranian regime's strategy & the nuclear negotiations
Panel discussion with Stephan Grigat (STOP THE BOMB) and Clemens Wergin(Die Welt)
Thursday, November 28th 2013, 07:30 PM
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Dorotheenstr. 26, Room 207, 10117 Berlin
Chair: Michael Spaney, Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin
Event in German language!
Click here for German Video of Lecture: Clemens Wergin
Click here for German Video of Lecture: Dr. Stephan Grigat
Click here for german Video of the Discussion between Wergin and Grigat
What are we to expect from Iran's new president? Do we face a new strategy by the Iranian regime or does Hassan Rouhani merely stand for a new tactic? Is he a "sign of hope" or just "the friendly face of terror"? What does his election actually mean for the Iranian opposition, the nuclear negotiations and the power struggle within the regime? How can Israel and how should the West react to the new situation?