To mark the 75th anniversary of the State of Israel, the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin (MFFB), together with the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, examined the majority of teaching materials in accordance with the Berlin and Brandenburg framework curriculum for lower secondary schools for their portrayal of Israel.
Focusing primarily on the Middle East conflict, the majority of the texts evaluated tend to convey a biased view of Israel's history. Dichotomous divisions of the regional actors into good and evil pose great challenges for pupils in forming an unbiased opinion. Sometimes overwhelming and highly emotionalizing visual material contradicts the principles of formal political education described in the Beutelsbach Consensus. Numerous source texts contradict the didactic standard of presenting different perspectives. Possible paths to peace and numerous attempts to reach an agreement since the beginning of the conflict are hardly considered in detail. It is mostly presented as a religious conflict rather than a geopolitical or territorial conflict. The respective populations on the Israeli and Palestinian sides are often portrayed as homogeneous entities in a simplistic way.
At an event on June 14, 2023, the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin and the Amadeu Antonio Foundation will present the results of the study and discuss them together with experts from science, education and politics.
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