The limits of enlightenment. The 7th October and the present of antisemitism
Conference in Cologne

Three-day conference at the NS Documentation Centre and Stadtgarten in Cologne - with book presentations, film screenings, panel discussions, thematic panels & workshops
Michael Spaney and Jahne Nicolaisen from the MFFB will give a seminar on the Middle East conflict and anti-Semitism on Friday, 21 June 2024 (10 am - 4 pm). Ulrike Becker will take part in a panel on ‘Islamic and right-wing anti-Semitism’ on Saturday, 22 June 2024 from 13:00 to 15:00. On the same day, Jörg Rensmann will discuss the topic ‘10/7: What can we do against anti-Semitism?’ together with other guests from 19:30 to 21:30.
You can find the full programme here (german). Registration is necessary.
When? From 20 June 2024, 15:00 to 23 June 2024, 01:00.
Where? Stadtgarten, 40, Venloer Straße, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, 50672, Germany
An event organised by the Gesellschaft für kritische Bildung in cooperation with the AStA Köln, the Bündnis gegen Antisemitismus (BgA) Köln, the Centrum für Antisemitismus- und Rassismusstudien (CARS) Aachen, the Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft Köln, the freier zusammenschluss von student*innenschaften (fzs), the Junges Forum der Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft (JuFo) Köln, the Lehrstuhl Didaktik der Sozialwissenschaften von Marc Grimm an der Uni Wuppertal, the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin, RIAS NRW.