Press Conference in the German Parliament 

Social Aid for Terror?

Payments of the Palestinian Authority to Palestinian Prisoners and the Families of Assassins

The study "Social Aid for Terror and Violence" of the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin analyses the system of payments of the Palestinian Authority to Palestinian assassins and their families. What can the German government do to foster democratic progress in the Palestinian society? Jörg Rensmann of the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin will present the study.   There will then be the opportunity to discuss questions with members of the German Bundestag and with the authors of the study:
  • Michael Leutert, DIE LINKE
  • Sven-Christian Kindler, BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN
  • Michaela Engelmeier, former MoP, SPD
  • Jörg Rensmann, Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin
Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 9.30 a.m.