Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh

Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh is co-founder of the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin. She came to Berlin from Iran in the late 1980s, studied gender studies and education at Humboldt University. She advises the Mideast Freedom Forum team on Iran, lectures on the history, structure and ideology of the Islamic Republic of Iran, gender relations and the situation of women. She co-directed the film "Headscarves as a System. Does hair make you crazy?", she writes for Jungle World and other newspapers.

Contact: 030 - 209 95 852

Email: info@mideastfreedomforum.org




"The Headscarve System. Does hair make you crazy?", co-directed with Shina Erlewein, Bettina Hohaus, Meral El. A documentary film depicting the fate of many Iranian women using the example of four women currently living in exile in Berlin.


Scientific publications


“Bibi Khanum (1858/59-1921). A Women's Rights Activist on the Eve of the Constitutional Revolution in Iran,” in V. S. Vukadinović, ed., in Ariadne, issue 80 (July 2024), Kassel: AddF, Archiv der Deutschen Frauenbewegung, 2024, pp. 6-15. (link)

"40 Years of Women's Day Demonstration in Tehran. On the Situation of Women in Iran Today," in EAG (ed.), Germany and Iran. An Uncanny Alliance (October 2019) (link). 

"Freedom is neither Western nor Eastern, but Universal. Why Iranian Women's Struggle Against the Compulsory Hijab is a Struggle for Freedom," in Vojin Saša Vukadinović (ed.), Freedom is Not a Metaphor. Antisemitism, Migration, Racism, Critique of Religion, Querverlag, Berlin 2018.

"The Dream of the Europeans and the Nightmare of the Iranians. The 'Factional Struggles' within the Regime and the Freedom Movement after the Nuclear Deal," in Stephan Grigat (ed.): Iran - Israel - Germany. Antisemitism, Foreign Trade, and the Nuclear Program, Verlag Hentrich und Hentrich, 2017 (link).

"Catching Up on Secularization. Balance and Perspectives of the Iranian Freedom Movement," with Andreas Benl, in Stephan Grigat, Simone Dinah Hartmann (eds.): Iran in the World System. Alliances of the Regime and Perspectives of the Freedom Movement, Studienverlag 2010 (link).

"Freedom is Not a Metaphor. On the History and Structure of Gender Relations in Iran," in Thomas von der Osten-Sacken, Oliver M. Piecha, Alex Feuerherdt (eds.): Freedom Betrayed. The Uprising in Iran and the Response of the West, Verbrecher Verlag 2010.

"The Divine Mission of Women. On the History and Structure of Gender Relations in the Iranian Theocracy," in Simone Dinah Hartmann, Stephan Grigat (eds.): Iran. Analysis of an Islamic Dictatorship and its European Sponsors, Studienverlag 2009.


Newspaper articles

Jungle World: Making the Revolutionary Guards Dance. With Andreas Benl (8.12.2022).

Jungle World: "The Uprising in Iran: Woman. Life. Freedom," with Andreas Benl (9/29/2022)

Jungle World: "Freedom is neither Western, nor Eastern but Universal. Why Iranian women's struggle is a struggle for freedom." (27.9.2018)

Tagesspiegel: "Germany's Iran policy needs a plan B" (9/26/2018) (PDF)

Jerusalem Post: "The Iranian freedom movement and Israel," with Andreas Benl (Oct.3, 2010).



AVIVA: On the unwillingness to be driven crazy by hair (2/17/2015).

Welt: "Freedom instead of home." Forced by her mother to flee, a girl must make her way alone in a foreign land. But home never lets go (8.9.2014).

Telepolis: "It gives me goose bumps" (15.2.2011)

Berliner Zeitung: "The West is very cowardly" (11.2.2011)

Podcast Untergrund Blättle: Interview on the current situation in Iran (25.6.2009)

Radio RDL Freiburg: "Interview on the film "Headscarf as a system - Does hair make you crazy?" (14.4.2006)