The Israeli-Palestinian conflict – A profound update

Please notice the changed venue!
We are happy to invite you to a discussion about the latest developments and perspectives of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. What is the reality on the ground in the Westbank regarding settlements, security and Palestinian state building? Which way will Hamas turn after it’s departure from Syria? How did the upheavals in the Arab world so for affect the conflict and the prospects for a solution? What will happen on the international diplomatic level in 2012? Don’t miss the opportunity to discuss these and other questions with our high level Israeli guest.
Dr. Col. (Res.) Moshe Elad combines a varied extensive academic knowledge with many years of field experience in the Palestinian territories. He has spent 30 years in Israel Defense Forces, half of them in the "Territories" and in Lebanon. Among his other positions he served as Governor of Jenin district, Bethlehem district, Tyre district (in South Lebanon) and as Head of Security coordination with the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, during the implementation of the "Oslo Accord" ('95-'98). Today Dr. Elad is teaching, among others, at the Faculty of Political Sciences/Security studies and History of the Middle East at Western Galilee College, and he regularly appears as expert on Israeli and international media.
Chair: Michael Spaney (Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin).
Date and time: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012, 7.00 pm.
New Venue: Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Linienstr. 139, 10115 Berlin-Mitte (Map)
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