Hot Spot Syria

A debate with Jonathan Spyer
(GLORIA-Center, Israel)
June 23, 2011, Robert-Koch-Saal, Berlin.
Will the regime of Bashar Assad with brute force succeed to stay in power against the escalating uprising since March 2011? What are the chances of the Syrian opposition, and who are they? What role does the Syrian regime play in the region, and which consequences would its downfall or persistence have for the Iranian dominated “resistance bloc” with Hamas and Hezbollah? And which strategies can the West pursue in order to support a democratic development in Syria and the region as well as security for Israel? With Jonathan Spyer, we will have an excellent and internationally renowned expert answering these and other current questions.Before his presentation, Jonathan Weckerle will give a critical overview of the German-Syrian relations, from the refugee deportation agreement and the delivery of surveillance technology to the visits of high ranking German government officials to Syria until immediately before the outbreak of the current crisis. Dr. Jonathan Spyer, born in London, lives in Jerusalem and works as Senior Research Fellow at the Global Research in International Affairs Center ( He writes about Mideast topics for among others the Guardian, Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post, he appeared on BBC, Al Jazeera, CNN and many other media. His book “The Transforming Fire” (2010) covers the rise of Islamism and has been called one of the best and most important books about the Middle East. ( Moderation:Jonathan Weckerle, board member Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin e.V. (MFFB). A cooperation between Scholars for Peace in the Middle East - SPME Germany and the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin.